Yoga Freedom

31 Things I’m Grateful For.

1. Love (metta)
2. Family
3. Friendship (amistad)
4. Yoga
5. My teaching career
6. Mis alumnos (my students, 9th graders and otherwise)
7. My teachers (yoga and otherwise)
8. Dharma
9. Shelter
10. Deep breaths
11. My writing career (and reading and writing on Elephant Journal)
12. The opportunity to serve
13. Freedom

“According to the Buddha’s teachings, the most basic condition for happiness is freedom. Here we do not mean political freedom, but freedom from the mental formations of anger, despair, jealousy and delusion.” -Thich Nhat Hanh

14. Bob Dylan

15. Oprah
16. Barack Obama
17. Jon Stewart
18. Mangos
19. Chocolate
20. Having water to drink

21. Inspiration

22. Safe Passage
23. Jesus
24. Imminent Summer Vacation! Visiting friends and family in San Francisco, Sacramento, Austin, San Antonio, New York City — and then participating in this amazing retreat in upstate New York!
25. Health
26. Mindfulness
27. Happiness
28. This American Life (and this Guatemalan life)
29. Amanda Love and a man to love
30. Collaborating with Ash and teaching Yoga Freedom Retreats at Earth Lodge and Lake Atitlan.

31. Lucy


  1. 32 flavors and then some. « Yoga Freedom Blog

    […] this day last year, I wrote a list of thirty-one things I was grateful for. I’m still grateful for all those things, and […]

  2. On Service Learning and Inter-being. | elephant journal

    […] the by, today is my 32nd birthday. On this day last year, I wrote a list of thirty-one things I was grateful for. I’m still grateful for all those things, and […]

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